WCIT Northwest Trade Dashboard

WCIT Northwest Trade Dashboard

The dashboard covers quarterly data on:

  • The volume of international trade by Congressional district
  • Top exports
  • Volume at all of the ports with exports*
  • Top countries for imports and exports
  • The number of jobs related to international trade
  • The total imports and exports
  • And more.

This provides insights into opportunities for growth and the impact of international trade on the state’s economy.

The WCIT Northwest Trade Dashboard is a valuable resource for businesses, policymakers, and stakeholders who are interested in tracking the state’s international trade activities. Additionally, businesses and job seekers interested in the region’s trade jobs can use this data to identify thriving industries and potential areas for job growth.

The dashboard also provides information on the top countries for imports and exports to and from the Northwest. This information can help businesses to identify new markets for their products and services as well as understand the competitive landscape and help policymakers as they weigh policy proposals.

WCIT Q1 2024 Trade Dashboard

Here are some highlights from the Northwest trade data for Q1 2024.


  • Exports Fell: Compared to Q4 2023, WA exports decreased by almost 20%, primarily driven by diminished transportation equipment and agricultural products exports. While a drop from Q4 to Q1 is in line with seasonal trends, the magnitude of the drop was more pronounced than in recent years.
  • Imports Slowed: WA imports import levels declined slightly (-3% compared to Q4 2023). The sharp decline in exports returned the state to its typical status as a net importer.
  • Port Volume Dropped: WA ports handled 12% less trade volume in Q1 2024, mostly due to a slowdown in exports from the state’s top ports — in particular, the ports of Blaine, Tacoma, and Kalama.


  • Exports Slightly Increased: OR exports grew 5%, on a quarterly basis, to $7.5B. Chemical exports have more than doubled since Q4 2023.
  • Imports Surged: OR imports increased 25% on a quarterly basis, marking the first quarter since Q4 2022 to see import levels over $6B. This was partially driven by sizeable increases in imports from major trade partners, namely Taiwan and South Korea.
  • Port Volumes Rose: OR port volumes increased by 16% on a quarterly basis, becoming the highest level of trade volume handled by OR ports ($4.7B) in recent years.


  • Exports Held Strong: Sustained exports of chemicals, agricultural products, and non-electrical machinery have helped ID exports remain steady at ~$1B per quarter since 2022.
  • Imports Largely Increase: ID imports grew 22% on a quarterly basis, primarily due to a spike in imports in February 2024.
  • Volumes Bounce Back: Although the value of goods transiting ID ports grew 17% on a quarterly basis, port volumes have yet to return to 2022 levels.

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