WCIT Publications
Policy Brief: Digital Trade and Its Impact on the Northwest’s Economy
What is digital trade, how does it affect the economy of the Northwest, and what can the U.S. do to enhance its digital trade economy?
Policy Brief: De Minimis Threshold
What is a “de minimis threshold”? In an international trade context, a “de minimis” refers to shipments of imports falling below a minimum value and are eligible for duty-free entry, subject to certain conditions. Per Section 321, 19 USC 1321, the de minimis threshold for imports into the United States is $800 per person per day.
New Report: Washington State’s Agriculture and Seafood Export Opportunities
How does Washington state’s agriculture trade impact the state’s economy, what are barriers to growth, and what can be done to expand it? Read our report here.
New Report Released! The Future of Trade: Positioning Washington State for Economic Growth in the Next Decade
Favorable geography, a diverse economy, and an expansive public port system have enabled Washington state’s economy to reap the benefits of international trade helping the state’s businesses and farmers to thrive in the global marketplace
Washington state and Israel trade: Leveraging opportunities for innovation and growth
Washington state and Israel are globally recognized as centers of innovation, entrepreneurialism, and cutting-edge technology. This report looks at opportunities for innovation and growth.
The Pacific Northwest Global Trade Hub Report
This WCIT report looks at the Pacific Northwest global trade opportunities and challenges.
The Washington Port System: Gateways to Growth at Home and Opportunities Abroad
Read Our Newest Research! Activities at Washington’s public ports support over 175,000 family-wage jobs. With approximately 40 percent of all jobs tied to international commerce, Washington is the most trade-reliant state in the nation. Geographic advantages...
U.S.-U.K. Free Trade Agreement: Opportunities and Challenges for Washington State
Negotiations between the United States and the United Kingdom on a free trade agreement offer great economic growth opportunities in Washington state. Read our new report and learn about the critical trade and investment relationship between both nations, and what a...
International Trade and the Global Pandemic: Impacts of COVID-19 on Washington’s Trade Economy
The WTO Predicts Global Goods Trade Will Decrease by Up to 32% Due to COVID-19. In our newest research, we examine the economic slowdown on Washington state's top trade partners and its implications for the state's economy. COVID-19 is hitting Washington's supply...