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CategoryThe Importance of International Trade
July 22, 2011

International Trade…Don’t Just Take My Word For it!

Do y’all remember the PBS show Reading Rainbow? The host, LeVar Burton, would talk about his book recommendations, and then say “But you don’t have to take my word for it”…and the show would cut to videos of children making their own testimonials for those books. That’s exactly what I …

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July 19, 2011

The Import-ance of Import-ing

Sorry for the post title, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. You should hear my schtick about the Port of Portland (or the Taco of Tacoma…it gets worse from there). But, in addition to being incredibly funny, the post title makes a vital point about the ways we need …

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July 8, 2011

In Defense of International Junkets

This week, Publicola posted a news item on the travel expenses of Seattle City Councilmembers. Although there’s nothing editorial in the article, it has all the telltale signs of criticism of government travel: 1) the outrageous sounding headline (“City Spent Tens of Thousands on Council Incumbents’ Travel”), and 2) the …

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June 24, 2011

What’s International Trade Got to Do with Washington state?

Well, it’s my first week on the job, and – in between signing HR benefit forms and getting my computer/phone/cell situation in order – it’s high time that I give y’all another blog post. I mean, you didn’t “like” WCIT on Facebook, join WCIT’s LinkedIn group and follow WCIT on …

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