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CategoryWCIT Blog
July 20, 2016

Wins for Washington: A Fireside Chat with Secretary Jewell About TPP

“With the TPP’s environmental and labor protections, we have the opportunity to lift the world up.” – Secretary Jewell When we invited U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell, to speak at our annual summer luncheon, we knew we were in for a treat. What we didn’t expect was to …

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July 18, 2016

New Study! 6 Ways TPP Benefits Washington State

Washington state is more than its picturesque coastlines and rolling hills and incredible summers. Our state is also a booming economic center! Its prime location, world-class ports, and flourishing businesses make it a wonderful place to live and do business. And with 40% of all jobs connected to trade, this …

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February 24, 2016

What’s in the TTIP – Pizza, Pasta and More Export to Europe!

Hi fellow trade nerds, my name is Lara Giannelli and I am the new intern at WCIT! And yes – you guessed it, I am Italian!  While I know everyone is talking about the TPP, today I’m reporting on the other big trade agreement being negotiated between the U.S. and …

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February 19, 2016

Raising a Toast to the EXIM Bank

What does WCIT do to celebrate the reauthorization of the Export-Import (EXIM) Bank? Eat sausages and drink craft beer of course! This week we partied at Hilliard’s Brewery with dozens of local businesses who utilize the EXIM Bank’s programs for a very special reason: the EXIM Bank Chairman Fred Hochberg, …

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February 4, 2016

Let’s Celebrate TPP Signing Day!

Today, February 4, is an exciting day for those of us who care about Washington state’s global competitiveness; today is the day that officials from all twelve countries that are part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership will meet in New Zealand to officially sign the historic trade deal! This doesn’t mean …

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August 18, 2015

Sharing Stories at the WCIT Summer Luncheon

Your trade stories matter. If there was one take-away lesson from WCIT’s Summer Luncheon earlier this month, that was it. U.S. Representative DelBene and a panel of DC trade policy experts discussed an array of trade policy topics, from failure of Congress to reauthorize the Ex-Im Bank to status of …

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