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Why I’m So Excited About the Washington Trade Conference (And Why You Should Be Too)

Like you, I get a lot of invitations to a lot of events. Conferences, receptions, dinners, luncheons, breakfasts, panel discussions and even the occasional networking happy hour. Also like you, I avoid most of them. I mean, who has the time to attend all these things, much less the budget to afford them?

So, it is with a total appreciation for your limited time and money that I say: Do Not Miss the Washington Trade Conference. It’s going to be awesome, and you’ll regret not being there.

I always like to qualify such a bold statement with the words of LeVar Burton from his days as the host of Reading Rainbow: “But you don’t have to take my word for it!” Here’s five objective reasons why everyone who’s anyone (at least anyone who cares at all about trade, policy and/or Washington’s economy) should be rushing to REGISTER NOW for the Trade Conference on November 12.

5) Brad Smith is an amazing speaker: Brad Smith is Microsoft’s general counsel and executive vice president, Legal and Corporate Affairs. So, he’s kind of a big deal. But even more than that, he’s a brilliant speaker who is able to summarize and easily explain complex thoughts about the steps Washington needs to take to maintain and grow its international competitiveness. If you haven’t heard him talk on this topic, you will really enjoy hearing him.

4) Umm…both Senators AND the Governor! I don’t know about you, but I don’t get to hear that often from Governor Gregoire, U.S. Senator Patty Murray AND U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (invited) in one day. They’ve all been great leaders on trade and trade policy issues, not only on behalf of Washington state but nationally and internationally. Plus, the Governor will be a “lame duck” post-election, and I’m hoping she really lets it fly about her honest thoughts on what Washington (particularly its next Governor) needs to do to grow our trade economy.

3) Ports are really im-Port-ant: If you’ve spent any time with WCIT, you know that we’re big advocates about the importance of our state’s ports. They’re  a vital resource to facilitate and grow trade for our state, and there are huge opportunities to help them become even more successful in the face of growing international competition. We’ve got the leaders of the ports of Seattle, Tacoma and Longview speaking on a lunchtime panel about what some of those steps are.

2) Everyone else is going to be there: The Washington Trade Conference attracts hundreds of business, government and community leaders from across the state, all coming together to learn about the steps that our state needs to take to increase its international competitiveness. Not only is a great chance to discuss and interact with thought leaders on trade, but it’s a great networking opportunity as well!

And the number one reason to REGISTER NOW for the Washington Trade Conference on November 12?

1) Have you heard that 40% of all jobs in Washington state are tied to trade? At the beginning of October, WCIT – in collaboration with the Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle – released the International Competitiveness Strategy for Washington State, which found (among many other things) that 40% of all jobs in Washington are tied to trade. Which makes trade the single largest drivers of our state’s economy. So, even if you don’t work in trade or care about trade policy, you need to know what’s happening in this area because it impacts our shared success as a state economy.

Convinced? Then REGISTER NOW for the Washington Trade Conference on November 12. See you there!


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