If the last post was entitled “To Paraphrase Mark Twain,” then this one should probably make a reference to Frankenstein, George Romero or Lazarus…some clever play on rising from the dead. But that’s exactly what WCIT has done over the course of a long weekend.

On Friday, we were considered closed: “a Seattle trade-lobbying organization that once employed several people but shut its office after funding from a combination of sources waned.” And now, Monday afternoon, we’re officially revived!

To quote myself being quoted:

Schinfeld said the chamber decided to resurrect the organization because nobody was advocating for the area’s trade-related interests. In the past WCIT had, for instance, lobbied for passage of bilateral trade pacts.

“The trade policy piece wasn’t being served. TDA and other organizations do great work in trade development, but nobody was representing the state’s interests in trade policy,” he said.

Thanks to Steve Wilhelm for the piece(s). And hey, four days on the job and I’ve already been in two newspaper articles. If “there’s no such thing as bad publicity,” then WCIT has the best public relations in town.