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CategoryThe Importance of International Trade
November 3, 2012

The Import-ance of Import-ing, Part 3

The State of Trade blog has always been a strong proponent of exploring the benefits of trade to Washington state…which includes both exports AND imports. In fact, one of our first posts was cleverly titled “The Import-ance of Import-ing“. Highlighting the net benefits of imports is a delicate subject, because …

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October 20, 2012

SWOTing at Washington’s International Competitiveness (and a New Contest!)

One of the things you have to be careful about when you’re a hardcore policy wonk is not to “over-jargon,” especially with acronyms. You know, don’t throw in the phrase “STEM degrees” without explaining to the average person that you’re referring to “science, technology, engineering and math.” Or remember not …

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October 12, 2012

Nobody Cares About the Port (Or Do They?)

On the plane to DC last week, I was reading a fascinating article in the New York Times about how technology is reducing the need for longshoreman at the Ports of New York & New Jersey – for better and for worse (better because of efficiency, worse because of loss …

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October 12, 2012

To Serv(ice export to) Man

It’s a cookbook! OK, well, maybe Washington state doesn’t export that many cookbooks to the rest of the world, but you know what we do export a lot of? Services! That’s one of the most exciting findings of the new International Competitiveness Strategy for Washington state. The Strategy may be most famous …

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October 5, 2012

Summary of Media Coverage of the International Competitiveness Strategy Release

On Monday, October 2, the Washington Council on International Trade – in collaboration with the Trade Development Alliance – released the International Competitiveness Strategy for Washington State. It was covered by media across Washington: Forty percent of jobs in Washington state are tied to trade – KPLU Trade with China …

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