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CategoryFree Trade Agreements
September 15, 2011

From Russia, With Love (of Tariffs)

My wife didn’t think this blog post title made sense…since it’s really about how Russia doesn’t love tariffs and is willing to lower them to join the World Trade Organization. But you get the idea, plus it’s a James Bond reference (my second on this blog to date), so it’s …

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August 26, 2011

What I Learned on My Eastern Washington Trip

Remember back in grade school when, as soon as you came back in September, your teacher would assign you to write a paper about “what I learned on my summer vacation?” Well, I just got back from a three day trip to Eastern Washington to talk international trade, and I …

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August 16, 2011

Weekly TEOW: Washington Wine Goes to India!

Back in my days writing for the Prosperity Blog on Puget Sound economic development issues, I had a weekly featured called REDEW: the Random Economic Development Email of the Week. Whatever the most interesting economic development related email I received that week, I’d blog about it. Welcome to a similar …

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August 9, 2011

You Down with TPP? (Yeah, You Know Me!)

Every industry has its set of confusing and obscure acronyms. In the world of economic development, we often talk about STEM degrees (science, technology, engineering and math), which are the key to job creation in Washington’s economy (especially now). In baseball, we’ve got BABIP and VORP: “batting average for balls …

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July 8, 2011

WCIT Release on Congressional FTA Action

In general, I hate to use the blog as a mouthpiece for press releases and corporate communications (it really takes away from the trademark irreverent, conversational tone that State of Trade is so dedicated to), but I thought y’all might be interested in my official statement on yesterday’s progress. Here …

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