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CategoryWCIT Blog
December 23, 2013

State of Trade’s Top Ten for 2013

It’s that most special time of year, loyal State of Trade readers…just like the “restaurant wars” episode of Top Chef every season or the Nordstrom men’s sale, this is something you’ve been anticipating hotly and counting down the days until you see it. And finally your long 12 month wait …

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December 11, 2013

WCIT 2013 Year in Review and Note of Thanks

The holiday season is a nostalgic time for a lot of us: memories of family traditions, visions of sugar plum fairies, nonstop Warm 106.9 FM on the car radio…it’s easy to get emotional. So, maybe you’ll forgive me a little extra holiday emotion when I say “Holy $@!#@, WCIT has …

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October 22, 2013

Trade is on the Move in Eastern Washington

Wednesday, October 16, was a momentous day for WCIT and the nation – WCIT co-hosted its first Eastern Washington event, and Congress voted to reopen the government. To be clear, the Eastern Washington event is the thing that was momentous to WCIT…although we’re certainly happy that federal employees got to …

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October 4, 2013

What’s Going on with TPP and TTIP? (A Government Shutdown Special Report)

My boss, WCIT President Eric Schinfeld, was in DC this week…coincidentally (?) at the exact same time that the federal government shut down. I’m not assigning blame or anything, but strange that he arrives and Congress immediately stops working. I mean, I know he likes to have people’s undivided attention, …

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September 11, 2013

Pop-Quiz, Hotshot: Guess One of Washington’s Fast-growing Ports

One of Washington’s ports has the largest cold storage facility north of L.A. It’s also the largest exporter of soybean meal on the West coast, and is one of the fastest growing automobile exporters in the country. C’mon, State of Trade loyal readers, you know your trade stats…impress me with …

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