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CategoryWCIT Blog
June 6, 2014

Cheerleading for Washington’s Trade Priorities

HMT, Ex-Im, TPA 40% of WA jobs Depend on trade! By the time we finished all our meetings with the Washington congressional delegation on our recent WCIT D.C. Fly-In, our pitch on the most pressing trade policy priorities for Washington state began feeling much like a well-practiced cheer. Seventeen WCIT …

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April 3, 2014

TiSA and Services Exports – Sleeping Giant for Washington State Economy

Editor’s Note: WCIT is pleased to welcome our next guest blogger, Michael Messina, Sr. International Trade Consultant for Desh International Law, to the State of Trade blog. WCIT’s guest blogger series features posts by experts on diverse international trade policy issues impacting Washington state’s international competitiveness. We hear a great deal about …

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March 26, 2014

Potential Impact of Russia Sanctions on Washington State Trade

Editor’s Note: WCIT is pleased to feature a series of guest blog posts on our State of Trade Blog. Guest bloggers are experts from diverse industries who will be writing on various topics relating to international trade policies and their impact on Washington state. Today’s guest blogger is Ann Nagele, …

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March 21, 2014

KORUS Turns Two!

Mmmm, French fries and cherries. What do these two things have in common, besides being delicious of course? They are examples of Washington state exports to South Korea that have grown over the past two years thanks to the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS). Saturday, March 15, marked the two-year …

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March 3, 2014

Our Ports Are Great; Let’s Make Them Greater!

There’s nothing the staff of WCIT loves more than a free breakfast. Ok, not entirely true. There’s nothing that the staff of WCIT loves more than a free breakfast combined with a great discussion of trade policy! And apparently dozens of people agree, because nearly sixty business and port leaders …

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January 24, 2014

Congress Listened to WCIT When Drafting the TPA Bill

If I had a dollar for every time Congress did exactly what WCIT told them to do… Well, I’m not sure that I’d have all that much money, but I’d be at least $1 richer after this month’s introduction in the House and Senate of the Trade Priorities Act of …

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