Tell Your Trade Stories

Threats of an escalating trade war with China loom large, with both countries broadening the range of goods and services potentially impacted by tariffs. If there was ever a time for Washington state to stand up and lead in the national debate, it would be now....

Accelerating Access to Opportunity

By Lori Otto Punke With all the attention on Seattle’s booming technology sector, it might be counterintuitive to say it won’t necessarily be the biggest beneficiary of our changing economy. But, while tech is certainly the driving force behind recent growth, its real...

Growing Washington Retailers’ Competitiveness

Kent-based outdoor apparel retailer REI is committed to protecting the great outdoors. Since 1976 REI has donated over $77 million non-profit partners who care for the environment,[1] and more recently it has established a sustainability partnership with 66 of the...

KORUS Five Years later: Triumphs and Challenges

The U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS) has been in the news a lot recently as it reached its fifth anniversary and Vice President Pence traveled to South Korea and announced that the U.S. intends to “reform and renegotiate” the trade deal. With all this attention...