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CategoryWCIT Blog
August 11, 2011

Stop Asking the Wrong Question About Trade

In my first month and a half on the job as president of the Washington Council on International Trade, I’ve had the opportunity to talk to a lot of folks about a) trade policy and b) the role of WCIT. On the former, the answers have been broad, as this …

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August 10, 2011

Random Trade Stats Update

State of Trade isn’t often a venue for basic trade data. Sure, WCIT uses a lot of data in its analysis of various trade policies, but there’s plenty of other repositories of trade data for you to check out. And, if you can’t find it, feel free to give a …

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August 9, 2011

You Down with TPP? (Yeah, You Know Me!)

Every industry has its set of confusing and obscure acronyms. In the world of economic development, we often talk about STEM degrees (science, technology, engineering and math), which are the key to job creation in Washington’s economy (especially now). In baseball, we’ve got BABIP and VORP: “batting average for balls …

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August 5, 2011

Trade = Development

When I’m out in the community speaking on international trade, I always use my patented line that “international business = international trade,” and I list the examples of industries that folks may not think of when they think of trade: architecture, tourism…and global health and development. That last example usually …

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July 27, 2011

Export-Import Bank: Not James Bond’s Credit Union, But Still Cool

Working in international trade is, in many ways, the same as being an international man of mystery. As one of the many, many examples of this truth, famed move spy James Bond’s cover story was that he worked “in the export-import business.” (His fake company was called Universal Exports, for …

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