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CategoryWCIT Blog
July 17, 2012

What Will Ambassador Marantis Say on Thursday?

This Thursday is the WCIT Summer Luncheon, featuring Deputy United States Trade Representative Demetrios Marantis. This is a pretty big deal for Washington’s international business community: the chance to hear directly from the person in the Obama Administration responsible for U.S.-Asia trade policy. Since a large majority of our state’s …

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June 28, 2012

This Morning’s Announcement Was A Major Victory for the American People

Wait, what did you think I was referring to? I’m talking about the release of the Federal Surface Transportation Reauthorization conference committee report. That’s what you were paying attention to during this morning’s new cycle, right? The number one reason I’m so excited about the new federal surface transportation reauthorization …

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June 26, 2012

Could Panama Canal Expansion Be A Good Thing For Puget Sound Ports?

You know when you’re watching television and a teaser commercial for the evening news comes on? It’s usually something like “Is Your Dog Trying to Kill You? Answer At 11!” And then you watch the news and they say “Well, no. But one dog did attack a cat recently.” That’s …

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June 13, 2012

Top 3 Reasons to REGISTER NOW for the WCIT Summer Luncheon!

Last year, the State of Trade blog featured a (highly-entertaining and informative) list, entitled “Top 5 Reasons to REGISTER NOW for the Washington Trade Conference!” It was, as you might expect, a list of the top five reasons that one should consider registering for that event. My favorite was #5: …

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June 13, 2012

Who Is Magnitsky?

Yesterday was a big day in terms of efforts to establish permanent normal trade relations with Russia: Senators Baucus, Thune, Kerry and McCain introduce legislation to make this goal a reality. And with the House Ways and Means Committee hearing coming up (next Wednesday, June 20), it’s beginning to feel …

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June 11, 2012

We Want Japan in the TPP—But Only If It Steps Up

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m a fan of our 4th largest trading partner, Japan, with $195 billion in two-way US-Japan trade.  It is an important geopolitical ally, and the source of my favorite cuisine.  I was pleased when Japan announced last November that it intended to join the Transpacific Partnership …

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