Two Paragraphs on Trade from the State of the Union

Last night's State of the Union featured two paragraphs on international trade. Let's not get into a discussion of whether that's too little or too much for a speech that's about economic opportunity and job growth, especially for a state like Washington where 40% of...

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Things That Go In Boxes

One of my favorite trade-related stories is the continuing development of "what else can we do with shipping containers." We're seeing stories about shipping containers used as commercial buildings, Starbucks coffee shops and even a grocery store opened by a WCIT...

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A Reminder About the Link Between Immigration and Trade

Someone once told me that it's not appropriate to quote yourself to prove a point. Luckily, I work in politics, so I naturally just ignore anyone whose opinion I disagree with (ba dum bum...just kidding!) Given the big news over the last few days about the potential...

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WCIT 2012 Year In Review and a Note of Thanks

Thanks to all of you who made 2012 such an incredibly successful year for the Washington Council on International Trade: our members, our Board, our event attendees, our partner organizations, and all of you who signed letters and contacted our Congressional...

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State of Trade’s Top Ten for 2012

There's nothing I like more than a good annual tradition. And here at the State of Trade blog, there's one tradition that we look forward to every year more than any other: the end-of-year recap of the top blog posts of the past year. I know it's hard to believe that...

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Introducing Ashley Dutta (And Thoughts on US-India Trade)

Hello fellow international trade enthusiasts! I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and share my first post on State of Trade. My name is Ashley Dutta, and I recently joined WCIT as the Policy & Communications Director. I’ll be blogging here as...

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What I Learned At the Washington Trade Conference

So, I'm just waking up from my post-Thanksgiving nap - having ingested a lot of Tryptophan as part of my three (!) servings of turkey - and, as I slowly exit from hibernation, I'm realizing that it's been almost three weeks since the Washington Trade Conference on...

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The Import-ance of Import-ing, Part 3

The State of Trade blog has always been a strong proponent of exploring the benefits of trade to Washington state...which includes both exports AND imports. In fact, one of our first posts was cleverly titled "The Import-ance of Import-ing". Highlighting the net...

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