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June 27, 2013

Washington Trade Policy News Round-up: Clean Energy & Whistleblowers

The State of Trade blog may seem like a relaxed, informal space for trade policy talk, but we’re actually a stickler for message discipline. We only usually blog about one of WCIT’s 2013 Policy Priorities, and the impact that those policies have on Washington’s international competitiveness. However, every once in …

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June 20, 2013

Is Washington Going to Keep on Truckin’ (Freight, That Is)?

We’re sitting on the edge of our seats over here at WCIT, and not just because it’s more comfortable (we have new chairs, and we’re still adjusting to them). Rather, we’re eagerly awaiting news about whether the State Legislature will agree to a critical transportation funding package before they adjourn. …

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June 6, 2013

Let’s Play Senator for the USTR Confirmation Hearings!

Have you tuned your television/web browser to C-SPAN2 yet? If not, you’re going to miss all the excitement: today, the Senate Finance Committee holds confirmation hearings on Michael Froman as the new United States Trade Representative! What do you mean “snooz-orama”?!?! If you’re a regular reader of the State of …

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